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Finding out what your options are as a Federal Student Loan Borrower is as easy as making a phone call. To set up a time to speak with an advisor, simply enter your contact information below and a representative will reach out to you within 2 working days.

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1185 Magnolia Ave #334
Corona, CA, 92879

(855) 885-3328

More About CLCSLS

CLCSLS prides ourself in the fact that our number one priority is client education. We want all of our customers to know exactly what is going on with their student loans and the best way to tackle them.

Did you know?!

Student loan debt has doubled since 2008 and is the fastest growing household debt in the United States of America? It’s the second largest household debt coming second to home mortgages. 

Default and Delinquency

The number of federal student loans in default or delinquency has increased by nearly 50% in the past few years. It has risen from $178 billion in 2016 to $263 billion in early 2020. 

You're not alone.

About one-third of adults under 30 have student loan debt. Compared with young adults who don’t have student debt, these student loan holders are like upbeat about the value of their degrees and feel that their degrees financial burdens outweigh their benefits. 


Tuition vs. Wages

Did you know that from the late 1980’s to 2018, the cost of an undergraduate degree increased by 213% at public schools and 129% at private schools? And regardless of this increase in tuition cost, wages have only increased by 67% since 1970. 

Still in Debt?

More than 3 million senior citizens in the US are still paying off their student loans. They make up $86 billion in unpaid student loans and are turning to social security benefits to try and pay them off. 

Can't pay on your loans?

Studies find that by 2023, more than 40% of student loan borrowers are expected to default on their student loans. But don’t worry, we are here to help. Reach out to one of our advisors and we will try and help guide you in the right direction.


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